Thursday, August 2, 2007

sorry for the long delay...

Ok guys here ya updating...

I thought that i would update since i have nothing else to do because everyone else is off doing something else. Anyway as most of you know I recently got Guitar Hero II. I beat the game on easy in about an hour or so but then it took me roughly two and a half more hours to get half way through the game on medium. But since i practiced the songs on medium before I played them I have successfully beaten the game on medium. I have not ventured into the hard difficulty because my left hand is just getting its cordnation back (hence the reason it took so long to beat the game on medium).

And another thought for all of you who know about my cell phone incident. Because my parents are nice I paid them a certain amount and I have since gotten my phone returned to me. So you no longer have to reach me at home my phone is officially back on and in my hands. But for those people like Francisco who feel the need to text me instead of call me...I have free texting. However, if you do not have texting which i know alot of you do not, I will not text you at all.

Well thats all for now i guess...

Talk to you all later


cinnamon said...

I'm Glad you FINALLY UPDATED woohoo! and I'm glad you got your phone back

Fran "the man" said...

the only reason i text more than call is because you don't pick up your phone at all.

ShaggaBear (Linda) said...

We've missed you at Youth! Are you coming back??? Please come!